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Optispot 7

Our newest baby is the WEED-IT Optispot 7, an Orchard sprayer featuring 12 sensors over seven metres bringing the benefits of WEED-IT technology to nut growers and citrus producers. 

Comments from Darren Minter of Minter Magic at Iraak, VIC
“I’ve been looking for an orchard weed spot sprayer for 10 years. My broadacre mates have had them for 20 years and saving up to 90% on chemicals. I thought I might save 25% but I’m confident I’ll save 75% or more.

The speed, ease of operation, time and money savings are there and I’m putting so much less chemical in my orchard. I’ll run through more often and the blocks will always be clean and I know I’m not wasting money. Chemical isn’t getting any cheaper. It’s strongly built and does the job well.